Assistance in obtaining necessary licenses and permits
Any business in the United Arab Emirates is subject to compulsory licensing
Assistance in obtaining necessary licenses and permits
A license  is a kind of “passport” of a company that allows it to operate in a certain jurisdiction
Self-issuance of a license is a rather long and troublesome process, as it requires a thorough understanding of all its procedural and legal subtleties. Therefore, entrepreneurs who value their time and money delegate it to professionals.

StableGrowz team provides professional assistance in registration of the license, which will avoid any risks regarding your business. We will take care of all formalities and provide a ready-made solution that will comply with all legislative norms. We will help you obtain additional permits that may be required for certain types of activities.
The following types of licenses are currently available in the United Arab Emirates
In the Emirates, there are several types of licenses that predetermine the conduct of business in the UAE. A license is issued for one year (in some state bodies for 2-5 years), and then the owner of the company must renew it. There is a fine for late payment of the license fee, as well as for violation of the renewal deadlines.

Depending on the procedural aspects, licenses and permits may take from a few days to a few weeks to be issued.
Service license
Trade license
License to establish a business license for the production of goods
License for freelancers
License and permit services from StableGrowz
Organization of business in the UAE, in particular, registration of licenses and permits by our specialists provides two directions:
Support in obtaining approvals from state authorities
Our experts will help you with customs registration, obtaining the necessary permits, completing and adjusting documents, and provide information support throughout the entire way of providing services
We will be the main link with the state authorities, establish friendly contacts with them, prepare the necessary documentation for obtaining permits and represent your interests when disputes arise
Registration with customs
with our specialists and choose the right service for your business in the UAE.
Get professional help in choosing the optimal type of company and service package for your business in the UAE. Our experts will help you find the most suitable solution that suits your goals and budget.
Book a free online consultation
Book a free online consultation with our specialists and choose the right service for your business in the UAE.
Please contact us for any questions
United Arab Emirates, Dubai, Barsha Heights, I-Rise Tower, 29th Floor, Office 5