Registration with customs
Our experts will help you with customs registration, obtaining the necessary permits, completing and adjusting documents, and provide information support throughout the entire service path.
Registration with customs
StableGrowz can help you with customs registration and organization of cargo storage under the supervision of the Customs Department
This process requires entrepreneurs to have some knowledge of UAE customs legislation.

Lack of experience can lead to longer customs clearance times or fines, which can result in additional costs for the foreign trade participant. That is why many company owners turn to professionals for help.

We will timely prepare all documents for registration with customs to minimize any possible risks. Our specialists understand all the nuances of customs clearance, which allows us to significantly reduce the time and costs of the necessary procedures.
What is included in the list of our services?
We have been assisting in starting a business in Dubai for years, so we know almost everything about it.

The main services that our customs registration specialists provide include:
Assistance in selecting the HS code
Calculation of customs duties
Consulting and information support throughout the entire period of service provision
Assistance in processing and filing customs declarations
Assistance in completing other documents and, if necessary, their prompt correction
Deposit return assistance
Representation of the customer's interests in customs authorities
We can also help make sure that your goods are not on the banned list
Customs legislation considers their movement as smuggling and provides for serious penalties: fines, confiscation and even imprisonment.
with our specialists and choose the right service for your business in the UAE.
Get professional help in choosing the optimal type of company and service package for your business in the UAE. Our experts will help you find the most suitable solution that suits your goals and budget.
Book a free online consultation
Book a free online consultation with our specialists and choose the right service for your business in the UAE.
Please contact us for any questions
United Arab Emirates, Dubai, Barsha Heights, I-Rise Tower, 29th Floor, Office 5