KYC Check
KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure is mandatory when opening an account with any UAE bank. It is a customer identification and verification process that is necessary to comply with legislation and prevent financial crime: money laundering, fraud and terrorist financing.
KYC Check
What the compliance procedure in the UAE includes
KYC procedure is a mandatory part of the financial sector of almost any country. It is used in banks, bookmakers, insurance companies, stock exchanges and other financial organizations.

The KYC check itself consists of the following steps:
Customer Identification
Monitoring his transactions
Risk assessment of a potential client
Storage of audit documents and materials
Passing KYC verification through StableGrowz
  • We accompany our clients throughout the entire compliance control journey. The algorithm of our cooperation is as follows:
  • Careful study of the client's situation
  • Preparation of the necessary documentation for passing the audit
  • Communicating with the bank's compliance department on disputable issues
  • Receiving a response from the bank and, if necessary, providing further support to the client.
For whom will our service be relevant?
We offer professional support in dealing with UAE banking institutions. Our mediation will be relevant for both individuals and companies.

Most often we are approached by owners of local or international businesses who are interested in the clear functioning of a bank account.
with our specialists and choose the right service for your business in the UAE.
Get professional help in choosing the optimal type of company and service package for your business in the UAE. Our experts will help you find the most suitable solution that suits your goals and budget.
Book a free online consultation
Book a free online consultation with our specialists and choose the right service for your business in the UAE.
Please contact us for any questions
United Arab Emirates, Dubai, Barsha Heights, I-Rise Tower, 29th Floor, Office 5